Stepping Up as a Force for Growth and Good in FY21/22

P&G has operated for over 100 years in Canada. Throughout our history, we have shown that our ability to grow is directly connected to our commitment to responsible business and doing good. Our ability to do good is in turn strengthened by our growth. We aim to be a force for growth and a force for good. We see these as inseparable. Citizenship is how we refer to our efforts in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) areas. We have built Citizenship into how we do business every day. In FY2122, we donated over $3 million in cash and product donation to support our Citizenship efforts across Environmental Sustainability, Community Impact, and Equality & Inclusion. Here are some highlights.
Environmental Sustainability has been embedded into how P&G does business for decades. Our aim is to deliver superiority that is sustainable, and we continually work to improve our environmental impact and enable consumers and suppliers to do the same.
- In September 2021, we announced a comprehensive Climate Transition Action Plan – Net Zero 2040 – to accelerate action related to climate change. We set a new ambition to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across our operations and supply chain by 2040, with interim 2030 goals to ensure meaningful progress this decade.

- In January 2022, Secret and Old Spice launched all-paper, plastic free deodorant packaging in Canada. The paper tube package is just one of several ideas that P&G has initiated as part of our Ambition 2030 commitment to using 100 percent recyclable or reusable packaging while reducing the use of virgin petroleum plastic by 50 percent.

- In April 2022, Tide launched a campaign with WWF-Canada and Walmart Canada to encourage Canadians to wash in cold water. Washing in cold saves up to 90% of the energy in every wash cycle. For ever Tide Pods purchased at Walmart, Tide donated to WWF Canada to help support nature-based climate solutions.

- To drive awareness that an automatic dishwasher saves more water than doing dishes by hand, Cascade launched a consumer education campaign to encourage Canadians to use their dishwasher, even if half full. In addition, for every Cascade purchased at Walmart Canada in the month of April 2022, shoppers could support conservation education efforts through a donation to Earth Rangers, the kids conservation organization bringing environmental knowledge to children across the country.

- P&G Good Everyday and Herbal Essences developed consumer education and awareness campaigns that will plant over 58,000 trees in Canada. The planted trees will help clean our air and water, provide habitat for wildlife, connect communities, and support our health and well-being.

Our Community Impact work supports people and communities in difficult times. We continue to provide COVID-19 relief around the world through donations of products, cash, and personal protective equipment. At the same time, we’re supporting those who have faced fires, floods, typhoons, hurricanes and other emergencies.
- Over the past year, we distributed over 300,000 hygiene items to Canadians in need through our longstanding partnership with GlobalMedic. During the BC floods in Nov 2021, we stepped up to provide over 2,700 clean-up kits and free laundry services through the Tide Loads of Hope program to families evacuated by the floods.

- Each year in Canada approximately 30,000 babies are born prematurely. Mothers of premature infants are more likely to develop post-partum depression, compared with the general population. In November 2021, Pampers partnered with the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation to provide mental health resources for families who have been in the NICU.

- P&G Gives Back is P&G Canada’s employee giving campaign. Donations from employees and retirees are matched by the Company and benefits United Way and other Corporate Partner charities. In 2021, we were recognized again with the Thanks A Million Award for our ongoing support of United Way’s work in local communities.

Our Equality & Inclusion efforts are focused on helping create a world where equality and inclusion are achievable for all, inside and outside of P&G. Our diverse group of P&G people advance innovative ways to grow our business and support our communities. We use our voice through films, advertising, and programs to advance equity in our industry and society at large. We believe when brands and businesses meaningfully engage in supporting equality, it leads to a better world for all.
- One of our goals is to reflect Canada at every level including increasing Indigenous, Black, and French Representation by 2025. Despite the fact that Indigenous Peoples make up almost 5% of the Canadian population, 0% of P&G Canada employees self-identify as Indigenous. In May 2021, we chartered an Indigenous Professional Network at P&G Canada with a focus on Community Engagement, Employee Awareness, and Recruiting. Click HERE to learn more.

- At P&G Canada, we have an opportunity to both recruit more People with Disabilities & help current employees feel more comfortable with self-identification. In January 2022, the People with Disabilities Network held our first Canada-wide event, sharing the stories of 3 employees with disabilities and 3 employees who have loved ones with disabilities. We're in Year 1 of our journey, and while we have much to learn, we're proud of the intentionality of our approach to engage our brands and people, and to develop partnerships that will help drive equality and inclusion for People with Disabilities.

- Always has championed girls' confidence for 35+ years. As part of their mission to #EndPeriodPoverty, Always donated over 4.3 million period products to girls across Canada this year by partnering with various governments, school boards, and retailers.

- For the sixth year in a row, Crest will once again be sponsoring Toronto Pride with the #CrestSmileWithPride campaign. This year, Crest partnered with disability and LGBTQ+ advocate Spencer West to create content around the importance of Raising The Next Generation of Allies, to create a world of more smiles.

- Olay has partnered with Actua’s National Girls Program - a twenty-year-old program that annually engages over 10,000 girls nationwide in programs that build the skills and confidence needed to fulfill critical roles as future leaders in STEM. Learn more.

- Over the past few years, Pantene has been on a journey with their #HairHasNoGender campaign. This year, on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), they launched the third chapter of the campaign called Workplace: Re-Imagined which shares the stories of members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. The film series explores the role of hair in expressing identity and how an inclusive work environment – and in particular, the support of colleagues – can give 2SLGBTQ+ the confidence to express their true identity in the workplace.

- When Venus launched the Venus for Pubic Hair & Skin collection, we were confronted with society’s censorship of the female anatomy - both through words and visuals. Societal norms, fear of judgment, and oversexualization of female anatomy have shaped how we talk, think, and care for pubic hair. Venus launched the #SayPubic campaign and #ThePubeSong with a straightforward tone and anatomically correct terms to avoid unnecessarily adding to the biases that women face regarding their bodies.

Ethics & Corporate Responsibility is the foundation for everything we do at P&G, including our Citizenship work. Building and sustaining a robust business for more than 100 years depends on maintaining strong ethical, compliance and quality standards across everything we do. It is a critical reason consumers trust us, partners do business with us, and shareholders invest in us.
As one of the largest packaged goods companies in Canada, we have a responsibility, not only to consumers, employees, and shareowners, but also to our customers, communities, and our broader world alike. Together, the people of P&G accept that responsibility—a responsibility none of us can deliver alone, but an objective that, together, working with each other and with valued partners, we can achieve and sustain so we can continue to be a force for growth and a force for good.