Easy ways to save energy, water, and waste

Did you know that ninety percent of people want to live more sustainably, but only 11% consistently do. Why? Because they find it hard!
P&G conducted researchi in 2023 which showed us that over half of Canadians find it too difficult or time-consuming to make environmentally conscious choices as often as they would like.
What if sustainable choices did not have to be hard? What if there were easy hacks to live a more sustainable lifestyle, get great results, and – in some cases – even save money on household bills?
The best way to improve the environmental footprint of everyday products (like laundry detergents, dish detergents, shampoo) is by reducing the water and energy needed to do the job. When you wash your dishes in the sink, use your washing machine, or shower, P&G products can help save energy, water and waste while delivering exceptional performance.
Find out more at P&G Good Everyday Canada to learn hacks at home that can help our planet, our shared home.
To learn about P&G’s environmental sustainability goals and progress visit, https://www.pg.ca/en-ca/environmental-sustainability/
i From December 16th, 2022 to January 10th, 2023, Maru/Blue conducted an online survey among n=1,116 randomly selected Canadian adults who have primary or shared shopping responsibilities.